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Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction is one of the most destructive addictions. Its rehab can also take a very long time. Heroin is a form of morphine that crystallizes as white powder. It is one of the most addictive substances. Heroin was initially used to reduce the withdrawal symptoms of substances like morphine. Treatment of heroin is difficult while persistence use of the drug can lead to dependence and tolerance.

Heroin addiction adversely affects the body’s respiratory system, and can result in arrest, coma and ultimately death. It continually harms the user especially when used simultaneously with other drugs and alcohol.

Heroin addiction leads to dependence and results in withdrawal symptoms when you cease using the drug.
Signs of addiction to heroin include:

• Lack of interest from others or a sudden change of friends
• Lack detachment and lack of enjoyment
• Sexual apathy
• Increased tolerance
• Low motivation
• Poor performance in school or at work
• Excessive withdrawal symptoms which keeps on recurring
• Using the drug excessively to avoid withdrawal symptoms
• The user gives heroin use great preference over other beneficial activities
• Cold sweats, shakes, terror, nausea, vomiting and so on

Route of administration:
The first appearance of effects of heroin use depends on the route of administration. The more pleasure is derived from the use of heroin the more the level of the drug increases in the blood.

• Orally
• Injection
• Smoking
• Insufflations
• Suppository

Oral administration:
This involves swallowing or ingestion of the drug. It is the less common route of administration.

Mainly because this method does not produce a rush and the euphoric effects are less. Heroin is first converted into morphine during the process of metabolism. This leads to diacetylation when the drug is swallowed.

This refers to vaporizing heroin in order to inhale the resultant fumes. It is mainly smoked from pipes made of glass. It is also smoked using an aluminum foil.

This involves snorting. Heroin is crushed into fine powder which is inhaled. The powder is then absorbed into the bloodstream by the soft tissue of the nose known as mucus membrane.

This route of administration produces quicker effects than oral method. It is a common method for those users who want to experience a quick”rush” but do not want to prepare for the administration of heroin through injection.

This is the anal and virginal insertion of heroin. This is done using a syringe. Heroin is first dissolved and the solution inserted through the anus or vagina using a syringe. Anus route of administration is an efficient method and the “rush” is quick. It takes some 40 seconds to feel the effect.

Note: In case of heroin addiction, please contact a rehab center. Rehabilitation begins with educating the user about the condition and its negative consequences. At the center, the patient’s age, weight and condition are noted to determine the best rehab for the user.
Heroin is an illegal drug. It is also very addictive. It has however become one of the commonly abused drugs.

Welcome To My Site On Heroin Addiction